+55 31 3679-3100 gsl@gsl.com.br

Metallic Structures and Galvanization Services

A solid company on its products and services

Factory prepared to serve big demands with the higher quality standard

Metallic structures production

For transmission towers and telecommunications

Galvanization services

Hot galvanized metal parts

Our focus is quality

GSL Metalúrgica is an industry that produces metallic structures for transmission lines and power substations in medium and high voltage, and also a galvanization service provider. It is on the market researching, developing projects and manufacturing structures since 1994 and is proud of a history full of work, growth and quality.

It has a multidisciplinary team, including professionals with more than 40 years of experience, whom, in a collaborative way, dedicate themselves permanently to do the best in their area. The long list of big and important clients is the sign of going in the right way, always following current legislation, fully meeting commercial partners’ expectations.

Strategically well located, easily accessed, with a big loading and unloading area and also a 60-ton capacity weighbridge, GSL Metalúrgica is proud of being a respected company and a reference in national market.

Besides manufacturing galvanized metallic structures, GSL Metalúrgica also offers hot galvanizing services. It is a complete business in which all the steps are done under supervision and with maximum quality standards.

m2 space in the headquarters

tons of metallic structures/month

tons of galvanized pieces/month

GSL Metalúrgica in photos

A little of our products, services, installations and resources

Request a quote

Phone: +55 31 3679-3100